Donor intent is the philosophy that a foundation or trust should reflect the values and charitable priorities of the donor. This principle drives all that we do at Abell-Hanger. Aligned with the charitable activity of the Abells during their lifetime, the foundation supports Education, Health, Human Services, Public/Society Benefit, Arts, Culture, Humanities and Religion.
Under the guidance of our first Executive Director, David Smith, an analysis was performed of the personal philanthropic activity of George and Gladys Abell during their lifetime as well as the activity of the foundation during that same period and their legacy bequests. Periodically, an internal review of alignment between grant activity and donor intent is conducted to affirm adherence.
A large plaque in our boardroom bears the mission: To continue the philanthropy of George and Gladys Abell, with emphasis on improving the lives of the people in the Permian Basin area. This mission statement is read at the start of every trustee meeting and the invocation invariably acknowledges the responsibility and privilege we hold to honor their generous gift.